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AZAR Dailami

+ 1 301. 461.3053

I Studied Art History/Studio Arts at Boston College and went on to Boston University for an MS in Communications and TV Production. While at work, about 8 years ago I began taking jewelry classes at JewelryClassDc with Daniel Valencia. I never looked back. Jewelry making became an instant passion. I also did workshops with Michael David Sturlin and Alex Boyd, both well-known goldsmiths.

I am grounded in the traditional methods of metalsmiths. Sketching a preconceived design is not my style. This means often the final design takes time to reveal itself. The journey is what is fascinating. I find inspiration in nature and ancient civilizations with old-world processes. I aspire to create heirlooms with a contemporary feel that will be loved by the wearer. And hopefully the positive energy I feel while creating each piece will be passed along.


I had a show one year around mid-March. Spring begins on March 21st. It seemed natural to feature items that celebrated the new season. So, a botanical-themed collection of hand carved leaves and flowers followed! Creating and fabricating this collection is an incredibly involved and lengthy process. It begins by etching sterling silver sheets, followed by sawing, hammering, and forming.  And finally soldering, piece after piece creating multiple layers. I derive a lot of joy while working on this collection thinking of the positive feelings spring evokes as it ushers in sunny days, fragrant flowers and the outdoors. So, I hope wearing these pieces will give you positive energy.

Talking Creativity and Collaboration with Author

Mike Maggio

Photo of author by Karim Maggio.

By Norah Vawter


I was inspired by a carpet bought years ago with a large medallion in the center. I really love the sinuous shape. I began by making the frame out of silver wire. Eventually, I soldered the wire over a flat piece and carved out an organic design. It was spontaneous really. I did quite a few before I settled on the final design.  I think it's a classically elegant shape inspired by the architecture of the Safavids and Ottoman Empire.  Reflecting the domes and spires of cities such as Isfahan, Istanbul and Old Delhi. It's a popular motif used along the silk road from China to Iran. It comes in many forms, geometric, curved, or floral, and never fails to create a harmonious composition. For centuries it has adorned carpets, tapestries, and tiles. And lends itself well to jewelry.  And lends itself well to jewelry.

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